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Updated: Feb 6

“If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue”. – Rudolph Virchow

My grandfather was born and raised in Belfast Ireland, 19th June 1919, he lived to the ripe age of 99 years. Following his time served on the battle field he immigrated to NZ, where he thoroughly enjoyed a more peaceful life with brisk daily walks in the countryside that he said reminded him of home. He was a devout naturalist, spending most of his retired days in his fruit and vegetable garden intimately sharing space with sweet singing birds, bumble bees, fragrant flowers (to attract the bees), juicy earth worms, lush green lawns and shade giving trees.  I was lucky enough to spend much of my childhood at my grandparent's house while my Mum and Dad went to work. I was Pop’s little helper in the garden, and he was always teaching me his gardening ways and getting me to do the picking and eating straight from the garden!

I remember a distinct lesson in making soil humus one day.  Pop took me over to the back corner section of the property where four large wooden orchard crates sat forming large holding containers for different stages of decomposing contents. He started off with food scraps, lawn clippings, soil, water and any other organic matter at one end. As it broke down, he turned it over with a pitch fork, aerating the pile and would then transfer the contents from the bottom to the next crate over, until at the end, in the fourth crate, he had a rich, almost black, soft earth worm laden soil. He’d get handfuls of this precious rich decomposed compost soil and sprinkle it around the plants and onto the cleared patch he was about to plant. He’d eat mainly from his garden and would give the excess away to family, neighbours and friends, keeping him socially popular and engaged.

The reason I am reflecting on one of my most happy childhood experiences is because today I was sent an amazing article to read called, “BECHAMP or PASTEUR? A lost Chapter in the history of Biology. By Ethel Douglas Hume (1923), prefaced by PASTEUR: PLAGIARIST, IMPOSTOR The Germ Theory Exploded” R.B Pearson”(1942).

In this article they share a quote from the Encyclopedia Britannica on the entry of bacteriology, “The common idea of bacteria in the minds of most people is that of a hidden and sinister scourge lying in wait for mankind. This popular conception is born of the fact that attention was first focused upon bacteria through the discovery, some 70 years ago, of the relationship of bacteria to disease in man, and that in it’s infancy the study of bacteriology was a branch of medical science. Relatively few people assign to bacteria the important position in the world of living things that they rightly occupy, for it is only a few of the bacteria known today that have developed in such a way that they can live in the human body, and for everyone of this kind, there are scores of others which are perfectly harmless, and far from being regarded as the enemies of mankind, must be numbered among his best friends.

It is in fact no exaggeration to say that upon the activities of bacteria the very existence of man depends; indeed without bacteria there could be no other living thing in the world; for every animal and plant owes its existence to the fertility of the soil and this in turn depends upon the activity of the micro-organisms which inhabit the soil in almost inconceivable numbers. It is one of the main objects of this article to show how true this statement is; there will be found in it only passing reference to the organisms which produce disease in man and animals; for information on these see Pathology and Immunity”.

The author then comments “The writer of the above thoroughly understands germs and bacteria with only one exception; the bacteria found in man and animals DO NOT cause disease. They have the same function as those found in the soil, or in the sewerage, or elsewhere in nature; they are there to rebuild dead or diseased tissues, or rework body wastes, and it is well known that they will not or cannot attack healthy tissues. They are as important and necessary to human life as those found elsewhere in nature and are in reality, just as harmless if we live correctly, as Bechamp clearly showed".

If infectious, contagious agents aren't the root cause of disease, then what is? Bechamp, in his various writings, dismissed the Germ Theory, asserting that "illness is mainly a result of dietary or lifestyle errors, with germs serving as scavengers for dead or waste tissues and foods, rather than the direct cause of disease".

Our modern food practices and lifestyle greatly impact our health by providing the raw materials and energy for our inherent microbial community. Think of our digestive system as a juicer and fermentation plant, akin to making humus. Just as the right balance of ingredients creates quality humus, we need a mix of natural food, fibre, air, water, sunlight and microbes for optimal health. What we feed ourselves matters deeply and discipline is key as many food additives are purposely designed to addict us. Our health is directly influenced a multitude of things; by what we eat, think, breathe, digest, absorb, assimilate and excrete, all fuelling our microbial community, which selectively targets diseased tissues while preserving healthy ones.

This critical misconception stemming from Pasteur's flawed Germ Theory demands correction. If his theories were accurate and the medical practices derived from them effective at healing in full, we would expect to see stronger, longer-lived individuals. However, our collective health level seems to be declining rather than improving. Is it time to rectify this error in biological teaching to reduce unnecessary suffering and relearn foster healthier, happier, longer lives?

I do believe that even though my grandfather had PTSD from his war days, at times being quite cantankerous due to the fact (understandable) - wounds go way beyond just he physical), he lived to the ripe age of 99. There is no doubt in my mind it was in large part due to the fact he lived closer to nature, adoring the fresh outdoors and daily constitutional walks,  along with the regular touching, breathing in and eating of the millions of microbes he toiled with daily, despite his Irish tea, biscuit and sugar habits. Eating directly from the garden that he himself had created and nurtured, helped him stay fit, focus, healthy and living long. The best part is, I was lucky enough to glimpse through his life lens; to learn of and deeply appreciation nature and all that it heals, without harm! I am eternally grateful to my Pop for inspiring me to fall in love with nature and remind me to stay connected to it as much as modern life will allow so I can live not just a longer life, but a balanced, more peaceful and happier one!

“Nothing is lost, nothing is created….all is transformed. Nothing is the prey of death. All is the prey of life”. – Antoine Bechamp

“ The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions”. – Florence Nightingale

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